Mahmoud Gomina

Mahmoud joined Virginia Tech as a PhD student in Fall 2022. At Virginia Tech, he is working in the PArtonic Structure of the Hadrons (PaSHa) group with Prof. Marie Boër, in collaboration with the Jefferson Lab Hall C and Hall A. He is involve in software developments and analysis for forthcoming and future Hall C experiments with NPS, as well as Hall A experiments with SoLID. In particular, he is working on hard exclusive reactions such as exclusive production of vector mesons and dileptions, which access to the Generalized Parton Distributions and the 3D structure of the nucleon. Part of his work is also dedicated to making projections for exclusive quarkonia channels / Vector Mesons for the future EIC (Electron Ion Collider), to develop the physics and technical requirements for such reactions.
B. Sc. Physics, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Nigeria, 2014
Master, Tech Applied Physics, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria, 2021
Prior research experience: Mahmoud's prior research were done using NaI(Tl) detector to measure natural radioactivity levels in environmental specimens.