Recent Presentations by group members (selected / since 2022)
- Seminar for Virginia Tech graduate students, Nov. 2023. Title: Exploring the nucleon partonic structure in Hadronic physics (Marie Boër)
- Seminar for Virginia Tech undergraduate students, Nov. 2023. Title: Exploring the nucleon structure (Marie Boër)
- SPIN conference, Sept. 2023, Duke, Durham, NC. Title: Double Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering with SoLID spectrometer at JLab (Marie Boër)
- SPIN, Durham, Sept 2023, Michigan State University, “Timelike Compton Scattering at Jefferson Lab” (Debaditya Biswas)
- REVSTRUCTURE workshop, Zagreb Croatia, July 2023. Title: Multichannel approach to access GPDs with experiments at JLab (Marie Boër)
- Workshop “Nucleon and nuclei structure from inclusive measurements”, June 2023, JLab. Title: Exclusive photoproduction of diphoton pairs. (Mary Conner and Kiersten Kekic)
- Workshop “Nucleon and nuclei structure from inclusive measurements”, June 2023, JLab. Title:Preparation of a calorimeter for Hall A SBS (Mahmoud Gomina)
- Workshop “Nucleon and nuclei structure from inclusive measurements”, June 2023, JLab. Title: Charge asymmetries and DIS cross section measurement at JLab Hall C (Gyang Chung)
- Poster at JLab User group meeting, June 2023, DIS cross section measurement at JLab Hall C (Gyang Chung)
- DIS workshop, April 2023, Michigan State University. Title: Generalized Parton Distribution in a multichannel experimental approach (Marie Boër)
- DIS workshop, April 2023, Michigan State University, “DIS cross section and F2 measurements” (Debaditya Biswas)
- CFNS workshop EICUG Second detector, Stony Brook, NY, Dec. 2022, Title: Hard Exclusive reactions: dilepton channels (Marie Boër)
- Winter Hall C bi-annual collaboration meeting, Jan. 2023: Double Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering and development of a muon detector for Hall C (Debaditya Biswas)
- Baryons conference, Sevilla, Spain, November 2022, Title: Hard exclusive reactions beyond DVCS: Compton-like and vector meson production for GPD studies (Marie Boër)
- American Physics Society Division for Nuclear Physics, fall meeting (APS-DNP), New Orleans, LO, October 2022. Title: Generalized Parton Distributions with “new” hard exclusive reactions, prospects for Jefferson Lab Hall A and C (Marie Boër)
- American Physics Society Division for Nuclear Physics, fall meeting (APS-DNP), New Orleans, LO, October 2022. Title: Double Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering opportunities for JLab Hall C (Debaditya Biswas)
- American Physics Society Division for Nuclear Physics, fall meeting (APS-DNP), New Orleans, LO, October 2022. Title: Double Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering for Jefferson Lab Hall C (Debaditya Biswas, presented by Marie Boër)
- American Physics Society Division for Nuclear Physics, fall meeting (APS-DNP), New Orleans, LO, October 2022. Title: Transversely polarized J/psi near threshold for JLab Hall C (Erik Wrightson)
- Seminar for Virginia Tech graduate students, Oct. 2022: Hadronic Physics: a travel to the world of the infinitely small (Marie Boër)
- Seminar for Virginia Tech undergraduate students, Oct. 2022: Multidimensional imaging of the nucleon, a travel to the world of the infinitely small (Marie Boër)
- Opportunities with JLab Energy and Luminosity upgrade, Trento workshop, Italy, Sept. 2022. Title: Complementarity of JLab and EIC DVCS studies" with setting up a bridge between JLab12, JLab20+ and EIC (Marie Boër)
- The 9th international conference on Quark and Nuclear Physics (QNP), FSU, Florida, August 2022. Title: Multichannel approach for new GPD-sensitive experimental measurements (Marie Boër)
- Conference on the Intersection of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP), Lake Buena Vista, Florida, August 2022. Title: Current and Future Generalized Parton Distribution measurements at Jefferson Lab Hall A and Hall C (Marie Boër)
- Exotic Heavy Meson Spectroscopy and Structure with EIC, CNFS workshop, Stony Brook, NY, August 2022, Title: Exclusive Physics with Muons at EIC (Marie Boër)
- Towards improved hadron femtography workshop, Blacksburg, VA (July 2022), Transversely polarized TCS at JLab Hall C using NPS and CPS (Brannon Semp)
- Towards improved hadron femtography workshop, Blacksburg, VA (July 2022), Polarized near threshold J/psi and opportunities at JLab Hall C (Erik Wrightson)
- Towards improved hadron femtography workshop, Blacksburg, VA (July 2022), Prospects for measuring DDVCS at JLab Hall C (Jocelyn Robbins and Melinda Yuan)
- Towards improved hadron femtography workshop, Blacksburg, VA (July 2022), Prospects for exclusive J/psi and Upsilon at EIC kinematics (Tyler Schroeder)
- PAC50 proposal defense, Jefferson Lab Program Advisor Committee (PAC50), July 2022, Newport News, VA. Title: Timelike Compton Scattering off transversely polarized Protons (Marie Boër)
- The next Generation of 3D imaging workshop (part of the workshop series JLab intensity and 24 GeV energy upgrade), JLab, Newport News, VA, July 2022. Title: Opportunities with the Hall A SoLID spectrometer for Generalized Parton Distributions with an upgraded E=22 GeV beam (Marie Boër)
- JLab Hall A/C joint collaboration meeting, June 2022. Title: Double Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering: Measuring DDVCS in Hall C, why and how? (Marie Boër)
- QCD Evolution, UVA, Charlottesville, VA, May 2022. Title: Generalized Parton Distributions with timelike photons: what measurements can we do at JLab and beyond, and why is it important to complement DVCS programs? (Marie Boër)
- CNP research days, VT, Blacksburg, VA, May 2022. Title: Progress towards obtaining multidimensional maps of the nucleon's constituents (Marie Boër)
- CNP research days, VT, Blacksburg, VA, May 2022. Title: Polarized Timelike Compton Scattering (Brannon Semp)
- CNP research days, VT, Blacksburg, VA, May 2022. Title: Transversely polarized J/psi near threshold at JLab (Erik Wrightson)
- NPS collaboration meeting, Feb. 2022. Title: TCS in Hall C and impact for GPDs (Marie Boër)
- NPS cololaboration meeting, Feb. 2022. Title: Beyond DVCS and TCS: how can we measure DDVCS and J/psi in Hall C with NPS (Marie Boër)
- CPS collaboration meeting, Jan 2022. Title: J/Psi with CNP and NPS (Marie Boër)
Before 2022 (selected)
- Seminar to Virginia Tech graduate students, Oct. 2021. Title: Nucleon 3D structure from Hard Exclusive Compton-like and Vector meson production (Marie Boër)
- Seminar to Virginia Tech undergraduate students, Oct. 2021. Title: The 3 dimensional structure of the nucleon (Marie Boër)
- APS-DNP fall meeting, Oct. 2021. Title: Generalized Parton Distributions from Hard Exclusive Compton like and vector meson production; event generators for JLab and EIC (Marie Boër)
- APS-DNP fall meeting, 2021: Light vector meson production studies for the EIC (Kevin Sanford)
- APS-DNP fall meeting, 2021; poster; Imaging of the nucleon with quarkonia production at the EIC (Tyler Schroeder)
- Seminar for Quarknet, Aug. 2021. Title: The multidimensional structure of the nucleon (Marie Boër)
- Seminar for REU students, July 2021. Title: Exploring the nucleon's inner structure (Marie Boër)
- APS spring meeting, 2021; Timelike Compton Scattering of the proton and the neutron (Camille Zindy)
- Center for Nuclear Femtography - Mini workshop series, March 2021. Title: Measuring Timelike Compton Scattering (TCS) in the valence quark region (Marie Boër)
- Seminar to Virginia Tech graduate students, Nov. 2020. Title: Structure of the nucleon (Marie Boër)
- Seminar for Virginia Tech physics department, July 2022. Title: Structure and properties of the nucleon. From Deep Inelastic Scattering to Nucleon imaging (Marie Boër)
- JLab PAC48, July 2022. Title: transversely polarized timelike compton scattering, defense for the experiment C12-18-005 (Marie Boër)